Debunking 5 Milk Myths

This month, as we celebrate World Milk Day, we revisit the 5 common milk misconceptions that we have known true while we were growing up.

Here’s a video featuring Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian Ms. Zhenie Velasco addressing these myths with facts.



Myth 1: Drinking milk is only beneficial to our bones.

Fact: Milk has 18 essential nutrients that our body needs including protein, calcium, B-vitamins and zinc. Drinking milk also reduces the risk of heart disease, hypertension, obesity and Type 2 diabetes.


Myth 2: Adults don't need milk. 

Fact: As people get older, bone calcium is reduced. Drinking 1-2 glasses of milk daily helps keep the calcium balance needed by the body to prevent bone problems such as osteoporosis.


Myth 3: There is a uniform calcium recommendation across life stages.

Fact: Every member of the family has different calcium needs. It is highest during adolescence and pregnancy.


Myth 4: It's best to drink milk at the start of the day.

Fact: The benefits you receive from milk does not depend on what time your body takes it. You can drink milk at any time of the day and enjoy the same benefits.


Myth 5: Milk has no role in weight loss.

Fact: Drinking milk can help control the appetite. This is because milk has protein that causes satiety (or feeling of being full). There are low-fat and non-fat milks that can be enjoyed by people who need to lessen fat intake.



Drink milk everyday!